We all work hard through out the year, putting the time and effort into our exercise routine whilst watching what we eat and drink. For a lot of us this justifies those occasions when we allow ourselves to derail and why not? We all still have a life to live and enjoy – and we deserve to live it.
It’s that time of year again where the diaries are bombarded with parties and the usual routine goes out of the window. Temptation is high and motivation is low but follow these 5 tips and you can still enjoy a guilt free Christmas without unravelling all the years’ hard work.
Drink plenty of water: Keeping the body hydrated keeps the bones, muscles and joints lubricated whilst flushing out all those toxins from the liver which otherwise can lead to muscle breakdown. Through the presence of oxygen in the blood from water consumption also means that your body will maintain its ability to burn fat calories.
Tip 1: Drink a glass of water in-between every alcoholic beverage.
Don’t skip meals: It’s important to keep your metabolism firing plus having the sustenance in your system to at least help soak up some of that alcohol. If it’s a drinks only party ensure you eat before you leave. If it’s a meal try and stick to good sources of protein and avoid starchy/ saturated fatty food,
Tip 2: Snack on protein sources where possible – especially the finger food at parties.
Maintain some form of Exercise Routine: It may be Christmas but it doesn’t mean we should slack off.
Tip 3: Try to stick to and maintain at least 50% of your usual workload and routine.
Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night: Try and maintain the same pattern of sleep so the body has time to rest and recover properly.
Tip 4: Put all electric goods away at least 30 minutes before going to sleep.
Remember to enjoy yourself