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Without Water Life Cannot Exist

Apart from keeping us healthy and hydrated water can also aid with fat and weight loss.

Water plays a major role in our everyday health, wellbeing and body function. Around 60% of our body is made up of water – or more specifically 85% of the brain, 80% of blood and 70% muscle. We can go weeks without food but can survive only 3 days without water!

Water can help suppress everyday symptoms of fatigue, headaches and joint pain. All these can stem from dehydration. But there doesn’t have to be a heat wave like we experienced recently to become dehydrated. This can easily happen in the winter too.

A lack of water in our system is the most common cause of daytime fatigue so the last thing you want to do is go grab that coffee. Caffeine is a Diuretic and will only lead to a loss in water through urination.

Severe dehydration can lead to ‘Chronic Cellular Dehydration’ which weakens the body cells. If this happens the immune system becomes weak leaving the body exposed and more susceptible to infection and disease.

Drinking plenty of water helps with digestion, nutrient absorption and chemical reactions in the body. The essential Carbohydrates and Proteins we consume are metabolised and transported around the body by water in the blood stream. When dehydrated we tend to eat more because we commonly mistake stomach pains for hunger pains when really we’re dehydrated.

So how can water consumption help with Fat Loss? In the digestion process water helps to remove toxins from the digestive tract helping to naturally suppress appetite which helps to metabolize stored fat.

If the body is well hydrated this leads to an increase in Oxygen in our circulatory system. Fat metabolizes in the presence of Oxygen so it makes sense that an increase in Oxygen within the blood stream will help to utilize fat stores in the body for energy. An increase in water intake can help reduce fat deposits and leave the body in a healthier state with more energy.

So no matter what your current training plan and goals are, drink plenty of water and keep hydrated.

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