I've only ever followed 1 (one) Fitness Influencer because....
1. By & large a lot of the S*"t out there gets DEBUNKED by them ....
2. Is great in front of the camera, content can be abrupt, funny and dry (best way to be) and it's well put together (got a good team in the background)....
3. For sure has had great success in a relatively short space of time (millions of followers across all Social Media, multiple 7 figure businesses and a published author) which would suggest they can back up and justify what they say....
BUT in recent weeks I've seen some content (which I won't disclose in this post) from the aforementioned influencer to make me re-evaluate and come to this conclusion.
1. Too many people are now under the "Influence" of the Online Brigade and as a result making them an absolute fortune.
2. That we may have gone past the point of no return for the industry that I've been in for 20 years where everything spread online is believed to be THE TRUTH, the WHOLE truth & NOTHING BUT the truth
3. I can only hope that like fashion, culture, beliefs and behaviours that this industry can go full circle and we can go back to how the industry was before the rise of Social Media - which I appreciate is Ironic as well as hypocritcial as I post this on here....
The Cracks are starting to appear so I am hopeful....
Anyway this a long winded way of saying this person had been unfollowed